The North Texas Municipal Water District requests that those receiving water purified by NTMWD reduce their water use immediately, especially outdoor water use. The NTMWD Wylie Water Treatment Plant Complex had to cease producing water at one of its four water treatment plants unexpectedly on Saturday, July 16, to perform critical maintenance required to return the plant to full water purification capacity. All customers in the region are strongly encouraged to conserve water and reduce outdoor watering until further notice is issued by NTMWD.
**This call to action is due to water production quantity and not water quality – the water is safe to drink and use.**
This is a precautionary call to action, as NTMWD’s water purification capacity remains adequate for essential services, including household use and public safety. The ongoing regional drought coupled with increasing discretionary outdoor water use and irrigation has stressed the water purification and distribution systems. NTMWD must perform critical maintenance at its Wylie Water Treatment Plant Complex to restore that capacity.